The MILC Collaboration has been producing ensembles of lattice configurations with three dynamical flavors for the past few years. There are now results for three lattice spacings for a variety of light and strange quark masses, ranging down to ml=0.1msm_l=0.1 m_s, where msm_s is the dynamical strange quark mass and mlm_l is the common mass of the uu and dd quarks. Recently, the Fermilab, HPQCD, MILC and UKQCD collaborations have presented a summary of results obtained using these lattices. Compared with quenched results, these new calculations show great improvement in agreement with experiment. This talk addresses the technical improvements that make these calculations possible and provides additional details of calculations not presented in the initial summary. We demonstrate that a wide range of hadronic observables can now be calculated to 2--3% accuracy.
  • talk: Cairns 2003/07/22
  • talk: Tsukuba 2003/07/15
  • fermion: lattice field theory
  • gauge field theory: SU(3)
  • approximation: quenching
  • quark: mass
  • nucleon: mass
  • pi: mass
  • K: mass
  • K: decay constant
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