The 3-D power spectrum of galaxies from the SDSS
Oct, 200339 pages
Published in:
- Astrophys.J. 606 (2004) 702-740
- astro-ph/0310725 [astro-ph]
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We measure the large-scale real-space power spectrum P(k) using a sample of 205,443 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, covering 2417 square degrees with mean redshift z~0.1. We employ a matrix-based method using pseudo-Karhunen-Loeve eigenmodes, producing uncorrelated minimum-variance measurements in 22 k-bands of both the clustering power and its anisotropy due to redshift-space distortions, with narrow and well-behaved window functions in the range 0.02 h/Mpc < k < 0.3h/Mpc. We pay particular attention to modeling, quantifying and correcting for potential systematic errors, nonlinear redshift distortions and the artificial red-tilt caused by luminosity-dependent bias. Our final result is a measurement of the real-space matter power spectrum P(k) up to an unknown overall multiplicative bias factor. Our calculations suggest that this bias factor is independent of scale to better than a few percent for k<0.1h/Mpc, thereby making our results useful for precision measurements of cosmological parameters in conjunction with data from other experiments such as the WMAP satellite. As a simple characterization of the data, our measurements are well fit by a flat scale-invariant adiabatic cosmological model with h Omega_m =0.201+/- 0.017 and L* galaxy sigma_8=0.89 +/- 0.02 when fixing the baryon fraction Omega_b/Omega_m=0.17 and the Hubble parameter h=0.72: cosmological interpretation is given in a companion paper.Note:
- 41 ApJ pages, 40 figs. Power spectrum data, likelihood software and ppt pics available at