Brane anti-brane kinetic mixing, millicharged particles and SUSY breaking

Nov, 2003
20 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 685 (2004) 150-170
Report number:
  • IPPP-03-69,
  • DCPT-03-138

Citations per year

It is known that hidden U(1) gauge factors can couple to visible U(1)'s through Kinetic Mixing. This phenomenon is shown generically to occur in nonsupersymmetric string set-ups, between branes and antibranes. Kinetic Mixing acts either to give millicharges (of e.g. hypercharge) to would-be hidden sector fermions, or to generate an enhanced communication of supersymmetry breaking that dominates over the usual gravitational suppression. In either case, the conclusion is that the string scale in nonsupersymmetric brane configurations has a generic upper bound of M_s <~ 10^8 GeV.
  • gauge field theory: U(1) x U(1)
  • hidden symmetry
  • membrane model
  • supersymmetry: symmetry breaking
  • space-time
  • partition function
  • string model
  • operator: vertex
  • Riemann surface
  • hidden symmetry: U(1)