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These notes have two parts. The first is a study of Nekrasov's deformed partition functions Z(\ve_1,\ve_2,\vec{a}:\q,\vec{\tau}) of N=2 SUSY Yang-Mills theories, which are generating functions of the integration in the equivariant cohomology over the moduli spaces of instantons on R4\mathbb R^4. The second is review of geometry of the Seiberg-Witten curves and the geometric engineering of the gauge theory, which are physical backgrounds of Nekrasov's partition functions. The first part is continuation of math.AG/0306198, where we identified the Seiberg-Witten prepotential with Z(0,0,\vec{a}:\q,0). We put higher Casimir operators to the partition function and clarify their relation to the Seiberg-Witten uu-plane. We also determine the coefficients of \ve_1\ve_2 and (\ve_1^2+\ve_2^2)/3 (the genus 1 part) of the partition function, which coincide with two measure factors AA, BB appeared in the uu-plane integral. The proof is based on the blowup equation which we derived in the previous paper.
  • Dedicated to Professor Akihiro Tsuchiya on his sixtieth birthday
  • lectures: Montreal 2003/07/14
  • gauge field theory: Yang-Mills
  • supersymmetry
  • Seiberg-Witten model
  • instanton
  • moduli space
  • Donaldson theory
  • partition function
  • potential: prepotential
  • gravitation