Instanton calculations for N = 1/2 superYang-Mills theory

Nov, 2003
27 pages
Published in:
  • JHEP 07 (2004) 065
Report number:
  • YITP-SB-03-55

Citations per year

We study (anti-) instantons in super Yang-Mills theories defined on a non anticommutative superspace. The instanton solution that we consider is the same as in ordinary SU(2) N=1 super Yang-Mills, but the anti-instanton receives corrections to the U(1) part of the connection which depend quadratically on fermionic coordinates, and linearly on the deformation parameter C. By substituting the exact solution into the classical Lagrangian the topological charge density receives a new contribution which is quadratic in C and quartic in the fermionic zero-modes. The topological charge turns out to be zero. We perform an expansion around the exact classical solution in presence of a fermionic background and calculate the full superdeterminant contributing to the one-loop partition function. We find that the one-loop partition function is not modified with respect to the usual N=1 super Yang-Mills.
  • gauge field theory: SU(2)
  • supersymmetry: fractional
  • supersymmetry: superspace
  • instanton
  • field equations: solution
  • fluctuation
  • path integral: measure
  • approximation: semiclassical
  • dependence: gauge
  • correlation function
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