Supergravity analysis of hybrid inflation model from D3 - D7 system

Nov, 2003
20 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 69 (2004) 106001,
  • Phys.Rev.D 70 (2004) 129907 (erratum)
Report number:
  • UT-03-38,
  • RESCEU-51-03,
  • LBNL-54070

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
The slow-roll inflation is a beautiful paradigm, yet the inflaton potential can hardly be sufficiently flat when unknown gravitational effects are taken into account. However, the hybrid inflation models constructed in D = 4 N = 1 supergravity can be consistent with N = 2 supersymmetry, and can be naturally embedded into string theory. This article discusses the gravitational effects carefully in the string model, using D = 4 supergravity description. We adopt the D3--D7 system of Type IIB string theory compactified on K3 x T^2/Z_2 orientifold for definiteness. It turns out that the slow-roll parameter can be sufficiently small despite the non-minimal Kahler potential of the model. The conditions for this to happen are clarified in terms of string vacua. We also find that the geometry obtained by blowing up singularity, which is necessary for the positive vacuum energy, is stabilized by introducing certain 3-form fluxes.
  • 21 pages; v3. a typo corrected, and some changes made in sections 4.1 and 4.2, accordingly
  • 11.25.Mj
  • 04.65.+e
  • 98.80.Cq
  • inflation: hybrid
  • supergravity
  • string model
  • potential: Kaehler
  • inflaton: potential
  • moduli: stability
  • multiplet