The Minimal supersymmetric fat Higgs model
Nov, 2003
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We present a calculable supersymmetric theory of a composite ``fat'' Higgs boson. Electroweak symmetry is broken dynamically through a new gauge interaction that becomes strong at an intermediate scale. The Higgs mass can easily be 200-450 GeV along with the superpartner masses, solving the supersymmetric little hierarchy problem. We explicitly verify that the model is consistent with precision electroweak data without fine-tuning. Gauge coupling unification can be maintained despite the inherently strong dynamics involved in electroweak symmetry breaking. Supersymmetrizing the Standard Model therefore does not imply a light Higgs mass, contrary to the lore in the literature. The Higgs sector of the minimal Fat Higgs model has a mass spectrum that is distinctly different from the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.- 12.60.Jv
- electroweak interaction: symmetry breaking
- supersymmetry: symmetry breaking
- Higgs model
- flavor: 3
- gauge field theory: SU(2)
- dynamical symmetry breaking
- Higgs particle: mass spectrum
- mass: hierarchy
- grand unified theory
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