Research work on the colliding beams of the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics (present state of experiments and perspectives)
Aug, 19707 pages
Part of Proceedings, 15th International Conference on High-energy Physics(ICHEP 70) : Kiev, Ukraine, August 26-September 04, 1970, 5, Physics potential and development of mu+ mu- colliders. Proceedings, 2nd Workshop, Sausalito, USA, November 17-19, 1994, 1017
Published in:
- AIP Conf.Proc. 352 (1996) 5
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Therefore we are seriously considering the somewhat exotic but quite real project of mu-meson accelerators and mu-meson colliding beams. The relativistic effects enable one to accelerate mu-mesons in cyclic accelerators with practically no loss at a sufficiently high growth rate of the magnetic filed. Therefore, for mu-meson accelerators with fixed targets and colliding beams, we plan to use the short-focus ironless magnets developed at INP. The magnets accurately form fields due to their thin skin current distribution. For obtaining a large current of mu- mesons, which is very important for colliding beams, we expect to use the proton accelerator VAPP as well as the whole megagauss focusing instrumentation being developed at the VAPP-NAP installation for focusing of antiprotons. In order to decrease the phase volume of mu-mesons from the decay of pi-mesons generated prior to their entrance into the storage ring we expect to build an intermediate pulsed storage ring with a field of 200 kG with the damping of the mu-meson beam due to the energy losses on a target installed inside the ring. At present, two stages are under consideration: the installation of a 12-15 m radius ring with an energy of 7-100 GeV and the installation of a 160 m radius ring at 1000 GeV. It should be noted, that these installations can be used both as the proton and antiproton accelerators up to these energies and as the installations with the proton-anti-proton colliding beams. The low duty factor of the pulse accelerators is practically entirely compensated for by the high particle current and this gives them experimental possibilities compatible with the iron magnet at the corresponding energy. Their much lower cost makes their construction feasible for small laboratory having reasonably low funds such as the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics. One should note, that the possibility of using these accelerators for protons provides us with the decisiveness to start their construction. Though we hope to get a lot of experimental data with the mu-meson colliding beams, it does not exclude the possibility that it might be an installation of a single experiments, namely, the discovery of the form-factor at the lepton interactions. If the cross-section of the weak interaction stops to grow with energy, the installation's luminosity is not sufficient for any observation. Whatever interesting result could it be, however, this does not justify the decisiveness for such a complex project.Note:
- Translated English extract in AIP Conf. Proc. 352 (1996) 5, QCD183:I595:1994
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