Testing noncommutative QED gamma gamma gamma and gamma gamma gamma gamma couplings at LHC

Feb, 2004
14 pages
Published in:
  • Eur.Phys.J.C 35 (2004) 137-143

Citations per year

In this work, we investigate the sensitivity of the process p + p --> q + q --> j + j + gamma + gamma at LHC for the photonic 3- and 4- point functions that appear in non commutative QED. We show that this process serves to study the behavior of the space-space as well as of the space-time non commutativity. We also show that this process can probe the non commutative scale in the range of few TeV.
  • minor changes, references added, version to appears in EPJC
  • p p: exclusive reaction
  • photon: pair production
  • jet: associated production
  • jet: pair production
  • quantum electrodynamics: noncommutative
  • vertex function: (3photon)
  • vertex function: (4photon)
  • n-point function: 4
  • background
  • mass spectrum: (2photon)
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