Supersymmetric large extra dimensions and the cosmological constant: An Update

Feb, 2004
21 pages
Published in:
  • Annals Phys. 313 (2004) 283-401

Citations per year

This article critically reviews the proposal for addressing the cosmological constant problem within the framework of supersymmetric large extra dimensions (SLED), as recently proposed in hep-th/0304256. After a brief restatement of the cosmological constant problem, a short summary of the proposed mechanism is given. The emphasis is on the perspective of the low-energy effective theory in order to see how it addresses the problem of why low-energy particles like the electron do not contribute too large a vacuum energy. This is followed by a discussion of the main objections, which are grouped into the following five topics: (1) Weinberg's No-Go Theorem. (2) Are hidden tunings of the theory required, and a problem? (3) Why should the mechanism not rule out earlier epochs of inflation? (4) How big are quantum effects, and which are the most dangerous? (5) Can the mechanism be consistent with cosmological constraints? It is argued that there are plausible reasons why the mechanism can thread the potential objections, but that a definitive proof that it does depends on addressing well-defined technical points. These points include identifying what fixes the size of the extra dimensions, checking how topological obstructions renormalize and performing specific calculations of quantum corrections. More detailed studies of these issues, which are well reach within our present understanding of extra-dimensional theories, are currently underway. As such, the jury remains out concerning the proposal, although the prospects for acquittal still seem good.
  • Paper has been updated to include developments since the conference
  • 21 pages; an extended version of the contribution to the proceedings of SUSY 2003, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ, June 2003, which has also been updated to include developments since the conference. (v2 includes some updated references and corrects a minor error in the bulk loop section)
  • 98.80.Cq
  • 11.10.Kk
  • Supersymmetry
  • Extra dimensions
  • Cosmological constant
  • talk: Tucson 2003/06/05
  • dimension: >4
  • supersymmetry
  • hierarchy
  • cosmological constant