Medium modifications of charm and charmonium in high-energy heavy ion collisions
Mar, 20044 pages
Published in:
- J.Phys.G 30 (2004) S1355-S1358
Contribution to:
- hep-ph/0403204 [hep-ph]
Citations per year
The production of charmonia in heavy-ion collisions is investigated within a kinetic theory framework simultaneously accounting for dissociation and regeneration processes in both quark-gluon plasma (QGP) and hadron-gas phases of the reaction. In-medium modifications of open-charm states (c-quarks, D-mesons) and the survival of J/psi mesons in the QGP are included as inferred from lattice QCD. Pertinent consequences on equilibrium charmonium abundances are evaluated and found to be especially relevant to explain the measured centrality dependence of the psi'/psi ratio at SPS. Predictions for recent In-In experiments, as well as comparisons to current Au-Au data from RHIC, are provided.Note:
- 4 Latex pages including 4 eps figures and IOP style files. Talk given at the 17th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Quark Matter 2004, Oakland, CA USA, 11-17 Jan 2004. To appear in J. Phys. G
- talk: Oakland 2004/01/11
- scattering: heavy ion
- lead
- gold
- indium
- quarkonium: hadroproduction
- quarkonium: dissociation
- J/psi(3100)
- psi(3685)
- yield: ratio