We discuss the various scales determining the temporal behaviour of correlation functions in the presence of eternal black holes. We point out the origins of the failure of the semiclassical gravity approximation to respect a unitarity-based bound suggested by Maldacena. We find that the presence of a subleading (in the large-N approximation involved) master field does restore the compliance with one bound but additional configurations are needed to explain the more detailed expected time dependence of the Poincare recurrences and their magnitude.
  • 10 pages, 6 figures. Presented at Johns Hopkins 2003 and Ahrenshoop 2003 workshops
  • talk: Wernsdorf 2003/08/26
  • talk: Goteborg 2003/08/24
  • black hole
  • correlation function: time dependence
  • approximation: semiclassical
  • unitarity
  • field theory: conformal