Measurement of the generalized polarizabilities of the proton in virtual Compton scattering at Q**2 = 0.92-GeV**2 and 1.76-GeV**2

Apr, 2004
5 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.Lett. 93 (2004) 122001
Report number:
  • JLAB-PHY-04-35

Citations per year

We report a Virtual Compton Scattering study of the proton at low CM energies. We have determined the structure functions PLLPTT/ϵP_{LL}-P_{TT}/\epsilon and PLTP_{LT}, and the electric and magnetic Generalized Polarizabilities (GPs) αE(Q2)\alpha_E(Q2) and βM(Q2)\beta_M(Q2) at momentum transfer Q2= 0.92 and 1.76 GeV2. The electric GP shows a strong fall-off with Q2, and its global behavior does not follow a simple dipole form. The magnetic GP shows a rise and then a fall-off: this can be interpreted as the dominance of a long-distance diamagnetic pion cloud at low Q2, compensated at higher Q2 by a paramagnetic contribution from πN\pi N intermediate states.
  • This paper is result of merging hep-ph/0312293 and hep-ph/0312294
  • 13.60.Fz
  • electron p: exclusive reaction
  • photon: electroproduction
  • Compton scattering: off-shell
  • p: polarizability
  • electric
  • magnetic
  • photon: polarization
  • structure function
  • pi: threshold