Some of the most interesting Higgs-production processes at future e+ e- colliders are of the type e+ e- -> f anti-f H. We present a calculation of the complete O(alpha) corrections to these processes in the Standard Model for final-state neutrinos and top quarks. Initial-state radiation beyond O(alpha) at the leading-logarithmic level as well as QCD corrections are also included. The electroweak corrections turn out to be sizable and reach the order of +/-10% and will thus be an important part of precise theoretical predictions for future e+ e- colliders.
  • talk: Zinnowitz 2004/04/25
  • electron positron: annihilation
  • fermion: pair production
  • neutrino
  • top
  • Higgs particle: associated production
  • electroweak interaction: radiative correction
  • channel cross section: energy dependence
  • numerical calculations