Numerical study of the ghost-gluon vertex in Landau gauge
Aug, 2004
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We present a numerical study of the ghost-gluon vertex and of the corresponding renormalization function \widetilde{Z}_1(p^2) in minimal Landau gauge for SU(2) lattice gauge theory. Data were obtained for three different lattice volumes (V = 4^4, 8^4, 16^4) and for three lattice couplings \beta = 2.2, 2.3, 2.4. Gribov-copy effects have been analyzed using the so-called smeared gauge fixing. We also consider two different sets of momenta (orbits) in order to check for possible effects due to the breaking of rotational symmetry. The vertex has been evaluated at the asymmetric point (0:p,-p) in momentum-subtraction scheme. We find that \widetilde{Z}_1(p^2) is approximately constant and equal to 1, at least for momenta p > ~ 1 GeV. This constitutes a nonperturbative verification of the so-called nonrenormalization of the Landau ghost-gluon vertex. Finally, we use our data to evaluate the running coupling constant \alpha_s(p^2).- gauge field theory: SU(2)
- lattice field theory
- Landau gauge
- vertex function: (ghost gluon)
- renormalization
- numerical calculations: Monte Carlo