Ginzburg Landau theory of superconductivity at fractal dimensions
Aug, 2004Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
The post Gaussian effective potential in D=2+2\veps dimensions is evaluated for the Ginzburg-Landau theory of superconductivity. Two and three loop integrals for the post Gaussian correction terms in D=2+2\veps dimensions are calculated and \veps-expansion for these integrals are constructed. In D=2+2\veps fractal dimensions Ginzburg Landau parameter turned out to be sensitive to \veps and the contribution of the post Gaussian term is larger than that for D=3. Adjusting \veps to the recent experimental data on for high - cuprate superconductor Tl_2Ca_2Ba_2Cu_3O_{10} (T\cl-2223), we found that \veps=0.21 is the best choice for this material. The result clearly shows that, in order to understand high - superconductivity, it is necessary to include the fluctuation contribution as well as the contribution from the dimensionality of the sample. The method gives a theoretical tool to estimate the effective dimensionality of the samples.References(17)