Pentaquark searches at CDF
Oct, 20049 pages
Part of Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Hyperons, charm and beauty hadrons (BEACH 2004) : Chicago, USA, June 27-July 3, 2004, 374-377
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B Proc.Suppl. 142 (2005) 374-377
Contribution to:
- , 374-377
- BEACH 2004
- hep-ex/0410024 [hep-ex]
Report number:
Citations per year
Recently there has been revival of interest in exotic baryon spectroscopy triggered by experimental evidence for pentaquarks containing u,d,s and c-quarks. We report results of the searches for pentaquark states in decays to p K0S, Xi- pi+,- and D*- p performed at CDF detector using 220 pb-1 sample of pp= interactions at sqrt(s) of 1.96 TeV. No evidence for narrow resonances were found in either mode.Note:
- Presented at 6th International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons (BEACH 2004), Chicago, Illinois, 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2004 Report-no: FERMILAB-CONF-04-205-E
- talk: Chicago 2004/06/27
- anti-p p: colliding beams
- hadron: multiple production
- K0(S)
- Xi-
- D*(2010)
- pentaquark: search for
- Theta(1540)
- postulated particle: Xi(1860)
- mass spectrum: (p K0(S))