Neutrino astronomy with ANTARES
Oct, 200410 pages
Published in:
- Acta Phys.Polon.B 36 (2005) 509-518
Contribution to:
- hep-ex/0410079 [hep-ex]
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Citations per year
ANTARES is a project aiming at the operation of an underwater detector at a depth of 2.5 km close to Toulon in the South of France. The detector is expected to be completed at the beginning of 2007. The main purpose of the experiment is the detection of high energy neutrinos produced in astrophysical sources. Being weakly interacting, neutrinos could potentially be more powerful messengers of the universe compared to photons, but their detection is challenging. The technique employs phototubes to detect the arrival time and the amplitude of photons emitted by neutrino charged secondaries due to the Cherenkov effect. ANTARES will contribute significantly in the field of neutrino astronomy, observing the Galactic Centre with unprecedented pointing capabilities.Note:
- 10 pages, 7 plots, uses appolb.cls. To appear in Proc. of XXXIV Int. Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, ISMD 2004, Sonoma County, CA, July 30, 2004
- 95.85.Ry
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