Phase diagram of QCD at finite temperature and chemical potential from lattice simulations with dynamical Wilson quarks

Nov, 2004
5 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 72 (2005) 034504

Citations per year

We present the first results for lattice QCD at finite temperature TT and chemical potential μ\mu with four flavors of Wilson quarks. The calculations are performed using the imaginary chemical potential method at κ=0\kappa=0, 0.001, 0.15, 0.165, 0.17 and 0.25, where κ\kappa is the hopping parameter, related to the bare quark mass mm and lattice spacing aa by κ=1/(2ma+8)\kappa=1/(2ma+8). Such a method allows us to do large scale Monte Carlo simulations at imaginary chemical potential μ=iμI\mu=i \mu_I. By analytic continuation of the data with μI<πT/3\mu_I < \pi T/3 to real values of the chemical potential, we expect at each κ[0,κchiral]\kappa\in [0,\kappa_{chiral}], a transition line on the (μ,T)(\mu, T) plane, in a region relevant to the search for quark gluon plasma in heavy-ion collision experiments. The transition is first order at small or large quark mass, and becomes a crossover at intermediate quark mass.
  • 12.38.Gc
  • 11.15.Ha
  • 11.10.Wx
  • 12.38.Mh
  • fermion: lattice field theory
  • gauge field theory: SU(3)
  • finite temperature
  • potential: chemical
  • critical phenomena
  • flavor: 4