Low energy hadron physics in holographic QCD
Dec, 2004
46 pages
Published in:
- Prog.Theor.Phys. 113 (2005) 843-882
- hep-th/0412141 [hep-th]
Report number:
- IU-MSTP-63,
- YITP-04-70
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We present a holographic dual of four-dimensional, large N_c QCD with massless flavors. This model is constructed by placing N_f probe D8-branes into a D4 background, where supersymmetry is completely broken. The chiral symmetry breaking in QCD is manifested as a smooth interpolation of D8 - anti-D8 pairs in the supergravity background. The meson spectrum is examined by analyzing a five-dimensional Yang-Mills theory that originates from the non-Abelian DBI action of the probe D8-brane. It is found that our model yields massless pions, which are identified with Nambu-Goldstone bosons associated with the chiral symmetry breaking. We obtain the low-energy effective action of the pion field and show that it contains the usual kinetic term of the chiral Lagrangian and the Skyrme term. A brane configuration that defines a dynamical baryon is identified with the Skyrmion. We also derive the effective action including the lightest vector meson. Our model is closely related to that in the hidden local symmetry approach, and we obtain a Kawarabayashi-Suzuki-Riazuddin-Fayyazuddin-type relation among the couplings. Furthermore, we investigate the Chern-Simons term on the probe brane and show that it leads to the Wess-Zumino-Witten term. The mass of the \eta' meson is also considered, and we formulate a simple derivation of the \eta' mass term satisfying the Witten-Veneziano formula from supergravity.- quantum chromodynamics
- expansion 1/N
- duality
- holography
- membrane model: D-brane
- supersymmetry
- meson: mass spectrum
- Chern-Simons term
- Wess-Zumino term
- eta(958)