Supersymmetric D3-branes in five-form flux
Jan, 200512 pages
Published in:
- JHEP 03 (2005) 030
- hep-th/0501167 [hep-th]
Report number:
- IPM-P-2005-004
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We consider multiple Euclidean D3-branes in a specific supergravity solution, which consists of a self-dual 5-form RR field in a flat background. We propose a deformation of SYM action describing the dynamics of D3-branes in this background. We look at the supersymmetries of SYM theory consistent with those preserved by the background. We derive the Chern-Simons action induced by the RR field, and show that the whole action can be supersymmetrized. This we do by deforming the supersymmetry transformations and using the BRST-like characteristic of the unbroken supercharges.- membrane model: D-brane
- membrane model: p-brane
- p-brane: 3
- supersymmetry: transformation
- flux
- differential forms: 5
- field theory: Euclidean
- supergravity
- field theory: action
- Chern-Simons term