Gravitational shock waves and their scattering in brane-induced gravity

Feb, 2005
13 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 71 (2005) 086003,
  • Phys.Rev.D 71 (2005) 129905 (erratum)

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
In this paper, following hep-th/0501028, we present a detailed derivation and discussion of the exact gravitational field solutions for a relativistic particle localized on a tensional brane in brane-induced gravity. Our derivation yields the metrics for both the normal branch and the self-inflating branch DGP braneworlds. They generalize the 4D gravitational shock waves in de Sitter space, and so we compare them to the corresponding 4D General Relativity solution and to the case when gravity resides only in the 5D bulk, and there are no brane-localized graviton kinetic terms. We write down the solutions in terms of two-variable hypergeometric functions and find that at short distances the shock wave profiles look exactly the same as in 4D Minkowski space, thus recovering the limit one expects if gravity is to be mediated by a metastable, but long-lived, bulk resonance. The corrections far from the source differ from the long distance corrections in 4D de Sitter space, coming in with odd powers of the distance. We discuss in detail the limiting case on the self-inflating branch when gravity is modified exactly at de Sitter radius, and energy can be lost into the bulk by resonance-like processes. Finally, we consider Planckian scattering on the brane, and find that for a sufficiently small impact parameter it is approximated very closely by the usual 4D description.
  • 13 pages, 2 .eps figures, Revtex4; v4: a sign error corrected; the correction tantamount to swapping normal and self-inflating branch solutions; the only significant change is that the spectacular new instability is on the self-inflating branch in the limit of vanishing brane tension
  • 98.80.Qc
  • 11.25.Mj
  • 11.25.-w
  • 98.80.Cq
  • gravitational radiation: scattering
  • shock waves
  • dimension: 5
  • membrane model
  • vacuum state: de Sitter
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