The Fate of (phantom) dark energy universe with string curvature corrections

Apr, 2005
6 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 619 (2005) 193

Citations per year

We study the evolution of (phantom) dark energy universe by taking into account the higher-order string corrections to Einstein-Hilbert action with a fixed dilaton. While the presence of a cosmological constant gives stable de-Sitter fixed points in the cases of heterotic and bosonic strings, no stable de-Sitter solutions exist when a phantom fluid is present. We find that the universe can exhibit a Big Crunch singularity with a finite time for type II string, whereas it reaches a Big Rip singularity for heterotic and bosonic strings. Thus the fate of dark energy universe crucially depends upon the type of string theory under consideration.
  • 98.70.Vc
  • dark energy: phantom
  • string: correction
  • singularity
  • cosmological constant
  • space-time: de Sitter
  • stability