Femtoscopy in relativistic heavy ion collisions
May, 2005
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Analyses of two-particle correlations have provided the chief means for determining spatio-temporal characteristics of relativistic heavy ion collisions. We discuss the theoretical formalism behind these studies and the experimental methods used in carrying them out. Recent results from RHIC are put into context in a systematic review of correlation measurements performed over the past two decades. The current understanding of these results is discussed in terms of model comparisons and overall trends.Note:
- 49 pages, 16 figures/ to appear in Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science/ final version includes minor updates in text, a few references added, and two figures updated/ Figures and numerical data tables available at http://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/~lisa/FemtoscopyReview2005/
- intensity interferometry
- heavy ion collisions
- femtoscopy
- scattering: heavy ion
- multiple production
- correlation: two-particle
- correlation function
- nuclear reaction: space-time
- Hanbury-Brown-Twiss effect