Exclusive diffractive electroproduction of dijets in collinear factorization
May, 2005Citations per year
Exclusive electroproduction of hard dijets can be described within the collinear factorization. This process has clear experimental signature and provides one with an interesting alternative venue to test QCD description of hard diffractive processes and extract information on generalized nucleon parton distributions. In this work we present detailed leading-order QCD calculations of the relevant cross sections, including longitudinal momentum fraction distribution of the dijets and their azimuthal angle dependence.- 12.39.St
- 12.39.Hg
- electron p: deep inelastic scattering
- electron p: exclusive reaction
- jet: pair production
- jet: electroproduction
- diffraction
- quantum chromodynamics: factorization
- photon nucleon: scattering amplitude
- differential cross section: angular dependence
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