Chiral suppression of scalar glueball decay
Jun, 20059 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.Lett. 95 (2005) 172001
- hep-ph/0506125 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- LBNL-57700
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Because glueballs are SU(3)_{Flavor} singlets, they are expected to couple equally to u,d, and s quarks, so that equal coupling strengths to \pi^+\pi^- and K^+K^- are predicted. However, we show that chiral symmetry implies the scalar glueball amplitude for G_0 \to \qbq is proportional to the quark mass, so that mixing with \sbs mesons is enhanced and decays to K^+K^- are favored over \pi^+\pi^-. Together with evidence from lattice calculations and from experiment, this supports the hypothesis that f_0(1710) is the ground state scalar glueball.- 11.30.Rd
- 12.39.Mk
- f mesons
- quantum chromodynamics
- chiral symmetries
- SU(3) theory
- flavour model
- quark confinement
- meson decay
- glueball: scalar
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