Symmetry energy of fragments produced in multifragmentation
Jul, 2005
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Isospin properties of fragments measured in multifragmentation of 136Xe and 124Xe projectiles in mid-peripheral collisions with a lead target at 1 A GeV were studied within the statistical approach describing the liquid-gas nuclear phase transition. By analyzing the isoscaling phenomenon and the mean N-over-Z ratio of the fragments with Z=10-13 we have concluded that the symmetry energy of hot fragments produced in multifragment environment at subnuclear densities at high temperatures decreases in comparison with cold nuclei.Note:
- 10 pages, 4 figures, background information on
- 25.70.Mn
- 25.70.Pq
- 24.10.Pa
- symmetry energy
- isoscaling
- multifragmentation
- scattering: heavy ion
- xenon: nuclide
- lead
- multiple production: fragmentation
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