Model of geometric neutrino mixing
Jul, 2005Citations per year
Current neutrino oscillation data from solar, atmospheric, and reactor experiments are consistent with the neutrino mixing matrix elements taking values sin^2\theta_{12} = 1/3, sin^2\theta_{23} = 1/2, and sin^2\theta_{13}=0. We present a class of renormalizable gauge models which realize such a geometric mixing pattern naturally. These models, which are based on the non--Abelian discrete symmetry A_4, place significant restrictions on the neutrino mass spectrum, which we analyze. It is shown that baryogenesis via leptogenesis occurs quite naturally, with a single phase (determined from neutrino oscillation data) appearing in leptonic asymmetry and in neutrinoless double beta decay. Such predicted correlations would provide further tests of this class of models.Note:
- RevTex 15 pages with two figures Report-no: OSU-HEP-05-10
- neutrino: mixing angle
- mixing: geometrical
- neutrino: oscillation
- gauge field theory: SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1)
- symmetry: A(4)
- symmetry: nonabelian
- mixing angle: stability
- neutrino: mass spectrum
- mass: hierarchy
- baryon: production