Nucleon QCD sum rules with the radiative corrections
Aug, 2005
Citations per year
QCD sum rules for the nucleon are considered in complex q^2 plane with inclusion of the radiative corrections of the order alpha_s. It is shown that the radiative corrections affect mainly the residue lambda^2 of the nucleon pole. Their influence on the value of the nucleon mass is much smaller. Following the ideas of Ioffe and Zyablyuk we expand the analysis to complex values of q^2. This provides a more stable solution. Varying the weights of the contributions of different dimensions by changing the value of the angle in the complex plane we find the value of the six-quark condensate which insures the best consistency of the right hand sides and left hand sides of the sum rules. The corresponding value of the six-quark condensate appears to be only about 10% smaller then the one, provided by the factorization approximation. The value of the four-quark condensate also appears to be close to the one, corresponding to the factorization assumption. The role of the gluon condensate and its possible values are discussed.- 13.40.Ks
- 12.39.Ki
- quantum chromodynamics: sum rule
- radiative correction
- nuclear matter
- nucleon: propagator
- nucleon: mass
- operator product expansion
- quark: condensation
- gluon: condensation