Transverse momentum resummation for Higgs boson produced via b anti-b fusion at hadron colliders
Sep, 200520 pages
Published in:
- JHEP 04 (2006) 004
- hep-ph/0509100 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- ANL-HEP-PR-05-98
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We study the impact of initial-state multiple parton radiation on transverse momentum distribution of Higgs boson produced via bottom quark fusion at hadron colliders. The shape of the resulting distribution is affected by the bottom-quark mass corrections and by the strong kinematical behavior of the bottom-quark parton density. We account for both features in the full range of . To do this, we formulate the resummation calculation in a general-mass factorization (S-ACOT) scheme and introduce a correction in the resummed-term to account for the effect from large- kinematics of Higgs boson. The results of this resummation are compared to fixed-order and PYTHIA predictions.- Higgs physics
- NLO computations
- hadron colliders
- p p: inclusive reaction
- anti-p p: inclusive reaction
- Higgs particle: hadroproduction
- transverse momentum: spectrum
- bottom anti-bottom: fusion
- quantum chromodynamics
- perturbation theory: higher-order
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