Neutrino-Induced Cascades From GRBs With AMANDA-II
Sep, 2005Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
Using AMANDA-II we have performed a search for neutrino-induced cascades in coincidence with 73 bursts reported by BATSE in 2000. Background is greatly suppressed by the BATSE temporal constraint. No evidence of neutrinos was found. We set a limit on a WB-like spectrum, = 9.5 GeV cm s sr. The determination of systematic uncertainties is in progress, and the limit will be somewhat weakened once these uncertainties are taken into account. We are also conducting a rolling time-window search for neutrino-induced cascades consistent with a GRB signal in 2001. The data set is searched for a statistically significant cluster of signal-like events within a 1 s or 100 s time window. The non-triggered search has the potential to discover phenomena, including gamma-ray dark choked bursts, which did not trigger gamma-ray detectors.Note:
- 4 pages, 2 figures: to appear in the Proceedings of the 29th ICRC, Pune, India
- talk: Pune 2005/08/03
- neutrino: cosmic radiation
- experimental results
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