A Flux-conservative formalism for convective and dissipative multi-fluid systems, with application to Newtonian superfluid neutron stars

Sep, 2005
21 pages
Published in:
  • Class.Quant.Grav. 23 (2006) 5505-5530

Citations per year

We develop a flux-conservative formalism for a Newtonian multi-fluid system, including dissipation and entrainment (i.e. allowing the momentum of one fluid to be a linear combination of the velocities of all fluids). Maximum use is made of mass, energy, and linear and angular momentum conservation to specify the equations of motion. Also used extensively are insights gleaned from a convective variational action principle, key being the distinction between each velocity and its canonically conjugate momentum. Dissipation is incorporated to second order in the ``thermodynamic forces'' via the approach pioneered by Onsager. An immediate goal of the investigation is to understand better the number, and form, of independent dissipation terms required for a consistent set of equations of motion in the multi-fluid context. A significant, but seemingly innocuous detail, is that one must be careful to isolate ``forces'' that can be written as total gradients, otherwise errors can be made in relating the net internal force to the net externally applied force. Our long-range aim is to provide a formalism that can be used to model dynamical multi-fluid systems both perturbatively and via fully nonlinear 3D numerical evolutions. To elucidate the formalism we consider the standard model for a heat-conducting, superfluid neutron star, which is believed to be dominated by superfluid neutrons, superconducting protons, and a highly degenerate, ultra-relativistic gas of normal fluid electrons. We determine that in this case there are, in principle, 19 dissipation coefficients in the final set of equations.
  • 51.20.+d
  • 97.60.Jd
  • 47.37.+q