Uniqueness of the interaction involving spin 3/2 particles
19718 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 3 (1971) 2153-2161
Citations per year
Abstract: (APS)
The free-field Lagrangian as well as the propagator for spin-32 particles contains an arbitrary parameter A. However, the S-matrix elements for the interaction of a spin-32 field with other fields are always independent of this parameter, provided the interaction Lagrangian is properly chosen. For a system of a spin-32 field coupled to a nucleon field and a pion field, a two-parameter (A,Z) interaction Lagrangian is introduced in such a way that it is invariant under a point transformation of the spin-32 field. The transition amplitude for such an interaction is independent of the parameter A. However, it does depend on the second parameter Z. By requiring the interaction to be consistent with the principles of second quantization, the value of the second parameter has been fixed. Therefore, the Δ(1238) contribution to the elastic πN scattering amplitudes can be uniquely determined. Using this model for the evaluation of the Δ(1238) contribution and the chiral-invariant Lagrangians for the calculation of the nucleon pole and ρ-pole contributions, the πN scattering lengths have been computed and compared with the experimental data. The calculated results are in good agreement with experiment.References(24)