Intersecting storage rings at Novosibirsk
Mar, 19714 pages
Published in:
- AIP Conf.Proc. 352 (1996) 6
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Possibilities: These experiments at hundreds GeV energy region will be available, only when several very difficult things will be discovered: (1) To have a very large number of protons with 10 GeV energy in rather short bunches. It is necessary to have about 10 or even 10 protons in about 10 sec in several meters long bunch. (2) To produce with maximum efficiency muons with 1 GeV or less energy, using nuclear cascade, strong focusing in the target and in pion decay channel. It seems possible to have 0.1 or even more useful muon per proton. (3) To cool muons in special 100 kilogauss pulsed storage ring, using ionization energy losses. If the targets are in places with very small -function, the finishing emittance of muon beam should be small enough to be injected into the main muon accelerator with small aperture and to be well compressed in interaction points. (4) To accelerate muons rapidly in some accelerators. If the muons are accelerated to their rest energy in a time, several times less than their life time at rest, most of the muons will be accelerated up to the required energy. It is possible to use a linear accelerator, or to use a synchrotron with more than a 100 kilogauss and magnetic field with a short rise time. In the last case, the accelerator will be at the same time the colliding beams ring. In the ring with such a magnetic field it is possible to have several thousands of useful turns of muon beams. If all of these conditions are satisfied, it seems to be possible to have an average luminosity 10 cmsec and may be a bit more, which should be sufficient.Note:
- One page extract in AIP Conf. Proc. 352 (1996) 6, QCD183:I595:1994
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