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Abstract: (IEEE)
With the single turn injection system now in use, it would be necessary to inject over 240 mA with the 200 MeV linac to reach the goal of 4 × 1012 protons/pulse in the 8 GeV booster synchrotron. (5 × 1013 protons/pulse in the main NAL accelerator.) Multiturn injection is planned to reduce the required linac intensity. The 200 MHz linac beam is allowed to debunch. It is then rebunched and captured adiabatically by turning on the 30 MHz booster rf system in steps. The present momentum spread ¿p/p of ± 0.8 × 10-3 is within the design acceptance. Space is available for a debuncher if it is needed at higher intensity.
  • proton synchrotron
  • injection
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