Magnetic moments of heavy baryons in the relativistic three-quark model
Feb, 2006
Citations per year
The magnetic moments of ground state single, double and triple heavy baryons containing charm or bottom quarks are calculated in a relativistic three-quark model, which, in the heavy quark limit, is consistent with Heavy Quark Effective Theory and Heavy Hadron Chiral Perturbation Theory. The internal quark structure of baryons is modeled by baryonic three-quark currents with a spin-flavor structure patterned according to standard covariant baryonic wave functions and currents used in QCD sum rule calculations.Note:
- 21 pages, 3 figures Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. D73 (2006) 094013 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.73.094013
- 14.20.Lq
- 13.40.Em
- 14.20.Mr
- 12.39.Ki
- single double and triple heavy baryons
- magnetic moments
- heavy quark limit
- charmed baryon: magnetic moment
- bottom baryon: magnetic moment
- quark: relativistic