Indications for cluster melting from forward-backward charge fluctuations at RHIC energies
May, 2006Citations per year
We study forward-backward charge fluctuations to probe the correlations among produced particles in ultra relativistic heavy ion collisions. We develop a model that describes the forward-backward dynamical fluctuations and apply it to interpret the recent PHOBOS data. Within the present model, the dynamical fluctuations are related to the particle production mechanism via cluster decay and to long range correlations between the forward and backward rapidity hemispheres. We argue that with a tight centrality cut, PHOBOS may see a strong decrease of the dynamical fluctuations. Within the present model, this deterioration of the correlation among the produced hadrons can be interpreted as a sign for the production of a hot, dense and interacting medium.- 24.60.Ky
- 24.60.-k
- 25.75.Ld
- relativistic heavy ions
- event-by-event fluctuations
- scattering: heavy ion
- gold
- quark gluon: plasma
- critical phenomena: confinement
- charged particle: multiple production