Intrinsic moment of inertia of membranes as bounds for the mass gap of Yang-Mills theories
Jul, 2006
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We obtain the precise condition on the potentials of Yang-Mills theories in 0+1 dimensions and D0 brane quantum mechanics ensuring the discretness of the spectrum. It is given in terms of a moment of inertia of the membrane. From it we obtain a bound for the mass gap of any D+1 Yang-Mills theory in the slow-mode regime. In particular we analyze the physical case D=3. The quantum mechanical behavior of the theories, concerning its spectrum, is determined by harmonic oscillators with frequencies given by the inertial tensor of the membrane. We find a class of quantum mechanic potential polynomials of any degree, with classical instabilities that at quantum level have purely discrete spectrum.- gauge field theory: SU(N)
- dimension: 1
- mass spectrum
- membrane model
- Hamiltonian formalism
- potential
- mass: gap
- quantum mechanics
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