The Riches of the Elementary Fluxbrane Solution

Sep, 2006
35 pages

Citations per year

The conventional approach to calculation of the radion effective potential in the string theory inspired models with magnetic fluxbrane throat-like space-time compactified on a sphere gives the analytical expressions hopefully capable to describe early inflation. Potential is rather flat inside the throat, possesses steep slope for reheating in vicinity of the top of the throat, and zero minimum at the top where UV brane's position is stabilized by the anisotropic junction conditions. The form of the effective radion potential is unambiguously determined by the choice of the theory. The D10 Type IIA supergravity proves to be of special interest. In this theory the observed large value of the electro-weak hierarchy may be received. The Euclidian time version of the Schwarzshild type non-extremal generalization of the elementary fluxbrane solution is used as a tool to fix the additional modulus - size of extra torus and to construct a smooth IR end of the throat: it also permits to estimate the small deviation of the radion effective potential from its zero value in the minimum which may be seen today as Dark Energy density. Thus most familiar fluxbrane solution proves to be rich enough in its possible physical predictions.
  • String theory and cosmology
  • radion: potential
  • dark energy: density
  • torus
  • supergravity
  • string model
  • space-time
  • reheating
  • membrane model
  • inflation