Measurements of exclusive decays at the
12 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 76 (2007) 012002
Contribution to:
- hep-ex/0610003 [hep-ex]
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Several exclusive decays are studied using a 1.86 fb-1 data sample collected at the Y(5S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric energy e^+ e^- collider. In the decay mode we find 10 candidates and measure the corresponding branching fraction. Combining the B_s^0 -> D_s^{(*)-} \pi^+, B_s^0 -> D_s^{(*)-} \rho^+, B_s^0 -> J/\psi \phi and B_s^0 -> J/\psi \eta decay modes, a significant signal is observed. The ratio \sigma (e^+ e^- -> B_s^* \bar{B}_s^*) / \sigma (e^+ e^- -> B_s^{(*)} \bar{B}_s^{(*)}) = (93^{+7}_{-9} \pm 1)% is obtained at the Y(5S) energy, indicating that meson production proceeds predominantly through the creation of pairs. The and meson masses are measured to be M(B_s^0)=(5370 \pm 1 \pm 3)MeV/c^2 and M(B_s^*)=(5418 \pm 1 \pm 3)MeV/c^2. Upper limits on the B_s^0 -> \gamma \gamma, B_s^0 -> \phi \gamma, B_s^0 -> K^+ K^- and B_s^0 -> D_s^{(*)+} D_s^{(*)-} branching fractions are also reported.Note:
- 9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PRD Report-no: BELLE-CONF-0615
- 13.20.He
- 14.40.Gx
- 14.40.Nd
- 13.20.Gd
- 13.25.Gv
- 13.25.Hw
- electron positron: colliding beams
- electron positron: annihilation
- Upsilon(10870): electroproduction
- B/s*(5430): pair production
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