Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We give a progress report of our research on spacetime fluctuations induced by quantum fields in an evaporating black hole and a black hole in quasi-equilibrium with its Hawking radiation. We note the main issues involved in these two classes of problems and outline the key steps for a systematic quantitative investigation. This report contains unpublished new ideas for further studies.
  • Invited talk given by BLH at the VII Asia-Pacific International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics, National Central University, Taiwan (November, 2005); to appear in the Proceedings edited by C. M. Chen, J. M. Nester and J. P. Hsu (World Scientific, Singapore, 2007) p. 236
  • talk: Chungli 2005/11/23
  • gravitation: stochastic
  • radiation: Hawking
  • fluctuation: dissipation
  • space-time: fluctuation
  • black hole: evaporation
  • thermodynamics
  • noise
  • back reaction