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The best-studied version of the RS1 model has all the Standard Model particles confined to the TeV brane. However, recent variants have the Standard Model fermions and gauge bosons located in the bulk five-dimensional spacetime. We study the potential reach of the LHC in searching for the lightest KK partner of the graviton in the most promising such models in which the right-handed top is localized very near the TeV brane and the light fermions are localized near the Planck brane. We consider both detection and the establishment of the spin-2 nature of the resonance should it be found.
  • graviton: Kaluza-Klein model
  • graviton: production
  • graviton: width
  • Randall-Sundrum model
  • dimension: 5
  • membrane model
  • space-time: anti-de Sitter
  • cross section
  • top: pair production
  • p p: interaction