The Angular-Diameter Distance Maximum as an Independent Test of the Flat FLRW Standard Cosmology
May, 20075 pages
Published in:
- Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 394 (2009) 438-442
- 0705.1846 [astro-ph]
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Abstract: (arXiv)
The plethora of recent cosmologically relevant data has indicated that our universe is very well fit by a standard Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) model, with and -- or, more generally, by nearly flat FLRW models with parameters close to these values. Additional independent cosmological information, particularly the maximum of the angular-diameter (observer-area) distance and the redshift at which it occurs, would improve and confirm these results, once sufficient precise Supernovae Ia data in the range become available. We obtain characteristic FLRW closed functional forms for and , the angular-diameter distance and the density per source counted, respectively, when , analogous to those we have for . More importantly, we verify that for flat FLRW models -- as is already known but rarely recognized -- the redshift of , the maximum of the angular-diameter-distance, uniquely gives , the amount of vacuum energy in the universe, independently of , the Hubble parameter. For non-flat models determination of both and gives both and , the amount of matter in the universe, as long as we know independently. Finally, determination of automatically gives a very simple observational criterion for whether or not the universe is flat -- presuming that it is FLRW.References(24)