Terrestrial Zone Debris Disk Candidates in h \& chi Persei
Jun, 2007Citations per year
Abstract: (IOP)
We analyze eight sources with strong mid-infrared excesses in the 13 Myr old double cluster h and χ Persei. New optical spectra and broadband spectral energy distributions (SEDs; 0.36-8 μm) are consistent with cluster membership. We show that the material withT~ 300-400 K andLd/L~ 10-4to 10-3produces the excesses in these sources. Optically thick blackbody disk models, including those with large inner holes, do not match the observed SEDs. The SEDs of optically thin debris disks produced from terrestrial planet formation calculations match the observations well. Thus, some h and χ Persei stars may have debris from terrestrial zone planet formation.References(31)