A centimetre-wave excess over free-free emssion in planetary nebulae
Aug, 2007
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We report a centimetre-wave (cm-wave, 5-31GHz) excess over free-free emission in PNe. Accurate 31 and 250GHz measurements show that the 31GHz flux densities in our sample are systematically higher than the level of optically thin free-free continuum extrapolated from 250GHz. The 31GHz excess is observed, within one standard deviation, in all 18 PNe with reliable 31 and 250GHz data, and is significant in 9 PNe. The only exception is the peculiar object M2-9, whose radio spectrum is that of an optically thick stellar wind. On average the fraction of non-free-free emission represents 51% of the total flux density at 31GHz, with a scatter of 11%. The average 31-250GHz spectral index of our sample is - RADIO CONTINUUM
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