Abstract: (AIP)
The properties of higher‐dimensional black holes can differ significantly from those of black holes in four dimensions, since neither the uniqueness theorem, nor the staticity theorem or the topological censorship theorem generalize to higher dimensions. We first discuss black holes of Einstein‐Maxwell theory and Einstein‐Maxwell‐Chern‐Simons theory with spherical horizon topology. Here new types of stationary black holes are encountered. We then discuss nonuniform black strings and present evidence for a horizon topology changing transition.
  • 04.40.Nr
  • 04.20.Jb
  • black holes
  • general relativity
  • Einstein-Maxwell equations
  • talk: Mexico City 2007/09/10
  • black hole: rotation
  • black hole: higher-dimensional
  • Einstein-Maxwell equation
  • Chern-Simons term
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