Operation of the SOLEIL RF systems
Jun, 2007
3 pages
Part of Particle accelerator. Proceedings, 22nd Conference, PAC'07, Albuquerque, USA, June 25-29, 2007, 2050-2052
Published in:
- IEEE Nucl.Sci.Symp.Conf.Rec.
Published in:
- Conf.Proc.C 070625 (2007) 2050
Contribution to:
- Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC 07), 2050-2052
- Published: 2007
Report number:
- PAC07-WEPMN004
Citations per year
Abstract: (IEEE)
The 352 MHz RF accelerating systems for the SOLEIL Booster (BO) and Storage Ring (SR) are in operation since mid 2006. In the BO, a 5-cell copper cavity of the CERN-LEP type is powered with a 35 kW solid state amplifier. In the SR, the required RF accelerating voltage (up to 4.4 MV) and power (560 kW at full beam current of 500 mA) will be provided by two cryomodules, each containing a pair of superconducting cavities, specifically designed for SOLEIL. The parasitic impedances of the high order modes are strongly attenuated by means of four coaxial couplers, located on the tube connecting the two cavities. The first cryomodule is operational, while the second one, which is being constructed by ACCEL (Germany), will be implemented beginning of 2008. Both cryomodules are cooled down to 4.2 K with liquid helium from a single 350 W liquefier and each cavity is powered by a 180 kW solid state amplifier. Using a single cryomodule and two amplifiers, the first objective of storing 300 mA stable beam was successfully achieved in 2006. The RF system commissioning and operation results are reported.- accelerator RF systems
- accelerator cavities
- beam handling techniques
- commissioning
- storage rings
- 5-cell copper cavity
- RF accelerating systems
- SOLEIL Booster
0 References