Interferometric detections of GOODS 850-5 at 1 mm and 1.4-GHz
Dec, 2007
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We have obtained a position (at sub-arcsecond accuracy) of the submillimeter bright source GOODS 850-5 (also known as GN10) in the GOODS North field using the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer at 1.25 mm wavelengths (MM J123633+6214.1, flux density: S(1.25 mm)=5.0+-1.0 mJy). This source has no optical counterpart in deep ACS imaging down to a limiting magnitude of i(775)=28.4 mag and its position is coincident with the position found in recent sub-millimeter mapping obtained at the SMA (Wang et al. 2007). Using deep VLA imaging at 20 cm, we find a radio source (S(20 cm)=32.7+-4.3 microJy) at the same position that is significantly brighter than reported in Wang et al. The source is detected by Spitzer in IRAC as well as at 24 microns. We apply different photometric redshift estimators using measurements of the dusty, mid/far-infrared part of the SED and derive a redshift z~4. Given our detection in the millimeter and radio we consider a significantly higher redshift (e.g., z~6 Wang et al. 2007) unlikely. MM J123633+6214.1 alias GOODS 850-5 nevertheless constitutes a bright representative of the high-redshift tail of the submillimeter galaxy population that may contribute a significant fraction to the (sub)millimeter background.References(0)
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