Dynamics of holographic vacuum energy in the DGP model
Dec, 2007
Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We consider the evolution of the vacuum energy in the DGP model according to the holographic principle under the assumption that the relation linking the IR and UV cut-offs still holds in this scenario. The model is studied when the IR cut-off is chosen to be the Hubble scale , the particle horizon and the future event horizon , respectively. And the two branches of the DGP model are also taken into account. Through numerical analysis, we find that in the cases of in the (+) branch and in both branches, the vacuum energy can play the role of dark energy. Moreover, when considering the combination of the vacuum energy and the 5D gravity effect in both branches, the equation of state of the effective dark energy may cross -1, which may lead to the Big Rip singularity. Besides, we constrain the model with the Type Ia supernovae and baryon oscillation data and find that our model is consistent with current data within , and that the observations prefer either a pure holographic dark energy or a pure DGP model- 95.36.+x
- 98.80.-k
- 04.50.-h
- 98.80.Es
- vacuum state: energy
- dark energy: holography
- expansion: acceleration
- oscillation: acoustic
- supernova: redshift
- baryon: oscillation