The G(2)-MSSM: An M Theory motivated model of Particle Physics

Jan, 2008
42 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 78 (2008) 065038
Report number:
  • MCTP-07-43,
  • UCB-PTH-08-01

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We continue our study of the low energy implications of MM theory vacua on G2G_2 manifolds, undertaken in \cite{Acharya:2007rc,Acharya:2006ia}, where it was shown that the moduli can be stabilized and a TeV scale generated, with the Planck scale as the only dimensionful input. A well-motivated phenomenological model - the G2G_2-MSSM, can be naturally defined within the above framework. In this paper, we study some of the important phenomenological features of the G2G_2-MSSM. In particular, the soft supersymmetry breaking parameters and the superpartner spectrum are computed. The G2G_2-MSSM generically gives rise to light gauginos and heavy scalars with wino LSPs when one tunes the cosmological constant. Electroweak symmetry breaking is present but fine-tuned. The G2G_2-MSSM is also naturally consistent with precision gauge coupling unification. The phenomenological consequences for cosmology and collider physics of the G2G_2-MSSM will be reported in more detail soon.
  • 42 pages, 7 figures, one figure corrected, reference added
  • 12.60.Jv
  • 11.25.Mj
  • 04.65.+e
  • 14.80.Ly
  • electroweak interaction: standard model
  • supersymmetry: symmetry breaking
  • M-theory
  • vacuum state
  • gravitino: mass
  • gaugino: mass